Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Phrenic Nerve Stimulation for the Treatment of Central Sleep Apnea Outcomes of Phrenic Nerve Stimulation for Central Sleep Apnea
Henrik Fox, MD, Olaf Oldenburg, MD, Shahrokh Javaheri, MD, Piotr Ponikowski, MD, Ralph Augostini, MD, Lee R Goldberg, MD, MPH, Christoph Stellbrink, MD, Scott McKane, MS, Timothy E Meyer, PhD, William T Abraham, MD, and Maria Rosa Costanzo, MD, remedē® System Pivotal Trial Study Group
Delayed sleep-onset and biological age: late sleep-onset is associated with shorter telomere length
Dora S Wynchank, MD, PhD, Denise Bijlenga, PhD, Brenda W Penninx, PhD, Femke Lamers, PhD, Aartjan T Beekman, MD, J Sandra Kooij, MD, and Josine E Verhoeven, PhD
The prospective association of objectively measured sleep and cerebral white matter microstructure in middle-aged and older persons
Desana Kocevska, Henning Tiemeier, Thom S Lysen, Marius de Groot, Ryan L Muetzel, Eus J W Van Someren, M Arfan Ikram, Meike W Vernooij, and Annemarie I Luik