Conference Awards

Trainee Awards for SLEEP

These Sleep Research Society (SRS) Trainee Awards exist to support our trainees’ efforts to grow in the field. Each application will be reviewed on its own merit.

Please apply to all awards for which you are eligible and interested, attending to the requirements in the application. Trainees are welcome to apply for multiple awards but can only be awarded one.

Minimum Application Requirements:

  1. Applicants must be a current SRS Undergraduate Student, Predoctoral Student, or Postdoctoral Fellow Member. To join or renew your membership, please visit the SRS website at
  2. Applicants must attend the Trainee Symposia Series Lectures at SLEEP 2025 on Sunday, June 8, 2025.*
  3. Applicants may need to submit an abstract for SLEEP 2025 (please review the separate requirements for each award).

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to also attend the newly added portion of the Trainee Symposia Saturday, to be held June 7, 2025, from 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (PT). 

Trainee Awards Application Deadline for SLEEP 2025: March 2, 2025

All applicants will be notified no later than April 23, 2025.

  1. Applicants must be a current SRS member in one of the following categories: Postdoctoral Fellow, Predoctoral Student, or Undergraduate Student;
  2. Applicants must attend the Trainee Symposia Series Lectures at SLEEP on Sunday, June 8, 2025, in Seattle, WA.*
  3. Applicants may be required to have submitted an abstract for SLEEP 2025 (please review the separate requirements for each award).

Please note: Awards will be determined prior to the Trainee Symposia Series registration deadline. You must attend the Trainee Symposia Series Lecture (June 8, 2025) in order to receive the award.*

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to also attend the Welcome Reception of the Trainee Symposia Series to be held Saturday, June 7, 2025, from 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (PT). 

*There is one application for the following SLEEP conference awards: Trainee Merit Award, Leadership Development Workshop or Grant Writing Workshop, Diversity Membership Award, and SRSF Undergraduate Trainee Travel Scholarship. 

Trainee Merit Awards are financial awards which are approximately the cost of registration for SLEEP, a certificate, and recognition in an SRS Update.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Trainee must have submitted an abstract for the SLEEP meeting (late-breaking abstracts are not eligible for this award);
  2. Complete/submit the application*;
  3. Attend the SRS’s Trainee Symposia Sunday, and submit an evaluation;

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to also attend the newly added Trainee Symposia Saturday.

The Leadership Development Workshop is held for a select group of trainees seeking guidance in leadership development. The workshop includes speakers, interactive panels, and small group discussions. Topics will include transitioning to independence, setting up a research team, managing the business of science, and personal marketing. To be eligible for the Leadership Development Workshop Award, trainees must complete and submit an application* and attend the Leadership Development Workshop (workshops take place during the annual SLEEP meeting in odd years).

Late graduate students and post-doctoral trainees are encouraged to apply.

The Grant Writing Workshop is held for a select group of trainees seeking guidance in grant writing development. The workshop includes speakers, interactive panels, and small group discussions. Topics include practical information on the grant writing process, from initial planning to funding, as well as an opportunity to have specific aims reviewed by a faculty member. To be eligible for the Grant Writing Workshop Award, trainees must complete and submit an application* and attend the Grant Writing Workshop (workshops take place during the annual SLEEP meeting in even years).

The SRS welcomes and benefits from scientists and researchers with a common interest in sleep and circadian rhythms from varying backgrounds, disciplines and countries. The SRS Diversity Travel Award aims to facilitate attendance from underrepresented groups and increase diversity at the SLEEP meeting. Researchers with disabilities or who identify as coming from backgrounds underrepresented in sleep and circadian rhythms, regardless of nationality, are strongly encouraged to apply. Trainees will be offered up to $2000 reimbursement for registration fees, travel, and lodging costs associated with attending SLEEP. All levels of training are eligible for the SRS Diversity Travel Award (high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students, medical residents, fellows, postdoctoral fellows).

To be eligible for the SRS Trainee Diversity Travel Award, trainees must:

  1. Applicant must be a member of a racial or ethnic group that has been shown to be underrepresented in health-related sciences, an individual with a disability, or an individual from a disadvantaged background, as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ( or equivalent for non-U.S. applicants.
  2. Applicant must be a first author (and presenter) on an abstract accepted for presentation at the SLEEP meeting. Case reports will not be accepted.

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend both Trainee Symposia Saturday and Trainee Symposia Sunday. 

This scholarship is offered for undergraduate trainees with an interest in pursuing a career in sleep or circadian rhythms. Trainees will be offered up to $1,000 reimbursement for registration fees, travel, and lodging costs associated with attending SLEEP.

To be eligible for the Undergraduate Trainee Travel Scholarship, trainees must:

  1. Complete and submit the application,
  2. Attend Trainee Symposia Sunday, and submit an evaluation), and
  3. Be a current SRS Undergraduate Member.

Trainees who have never attended the Trainee Symposia Series (formerly known as Trainee Day) and who do not have any outside funding to attend SLEEP will be given preference for this scholarship, but all undergraduates are encouraged to apply. Trainees are welcome to apply to this scholarship in addition to the Trainee Merit award but will only be awarded one.

Sponsored by the Sleep Research Society Foundation

First Time Attendee Award

The Sleep Research Society (SRS) wishes to increase engagement and support for first-time attendees at our annual SLEEP Meeting and the Trainee Symposia Series. We are excited to offer the First-Time Attendee Award, which aims to facilitate attendance of SRS non-member trainees (i.e., undergraduates, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows) at the SLEEP meeting and the Trainee Symposia Series by covering:

  • One (1) year of SRS membership (paid through 12/31/2025)
  • SLEEP 2025 registration costs.
  • While this award is intended for non-member trainees, current SRS Trainee members are invited to apply as long as they have not attended the SLEEP meeting in the past. Current SRS Trainee members will receive an additional (1) year of membership (through 12/31/2026) and SLEEP 2025 registration costs if selected. If the current member is already paid through 12/31/2026, the awardee will only receive the SLEEP 2025 registration reimbursement.

First-Time Attendee Award Application Deadline for SLEEP 2025: Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 11:59 pm (CT)

To be eligible for the award, each individual must:

  1. Hold trainee status (i.e., undergraduate, doctoral student, or postdoctoral fellow, including internship/residency).
  2. Have not previously attended a SLEEP meeting.
  3. Applicants must attend Trainee Symposia Sunday at SLEEP 2025 on June 8, 2025, from 8:00 am-1:00 pm (PT).*
  4. Both SRS member and non-member trainees are eligible.

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to also attend the newly added Trainee Symposia Saturday, to be held on June 7, 2025, from 2:00 pm -5:30 pm (PT). 

Questions? Please contact the SRS Coordinator at