The sleep world has lost a great one. Dr. Robert McCarley passed away unexpectedly on Saturday May 27, 2017 at the age of 79. For those who knew him, he was a friend and a colleague. For those who didn’t, he made many contributions to the SRS as a past President and a researcher who produced over 450 scientific articles on sleep and mental health. Dr. McCarley was a National Scholar and graduated Summa Cum Laude at Harvard and went on to be a National Scholar at Harvard Medical School. Later in his career, Robert served as the Associate Director of the Mental Health Service and Director of the Laboratory of Neuroscience. Aside from his career achievements, he was devoted to his family as a father, a grandfather, a husband and a very caring friend. Robert will be undoubtedly missed, but his legacy lives on and we are grateful for his life and what he has done for us. To view Dr. McCarley’s obituary, please click here. To view Dr. McCarley’s Conversation with the Founders video, please click here.