Have You Set Up Your SRS PubAlert Yet?
SRS PubAlert is a member only benefit that sends a biweekly email to members listing [...]
SRS PubAlert is a member only benefit that sends a biweekly email to members listing [...]
The first annual deadline for the receipt of the 2018 proposals is 11:59 pm, March [...]
SRS Secretary/Treasurer, Jeanne Duffy, MBA, PhD, is an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical [...]
A Message from Dr. Szymusiak, Editor-in-Chief SLEEP SLEEP is the journal of the Sleep Research Society and [...]
Sleep Quality in Well-defined Lyme Disease: A Clinical Cohort Study in Maryland Eric R Weinstein, [...]
TEAC is seeking nominees for the position of Trainee Member-at-Large Elect for 2018-19. The Trainee [...]
This award recognizes an outstanding research effort by an early-stage investigator in the field of [...]
The SRS has submitted unique question ideas to the All of Us Research Program, led [...]
YOU are the Future of the Society--nominate today! The SRS is accepting nominations for service on [...]
The goal of the SRS Mentoring Program Awards is to link trainees and early stage [...]