Volunteers Needed for OSA Awareness Program
The AASM was recently awarded a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a new awareness program focused on improving recognition of obstructive sleep apnea. The SRS is proud to be a key partner on this program. The goal of the OSA Awareness Program is to reduce the number of individuals living with undiagnosed and/or untreated OSA through a comprehensive awareness program focused toward educating the general public, public health organizations, and health care providers.
Volunteers are needed for the following three workgroups:
- Public Awareness and Communications Workgroup will focus on the creation, dissemination, and communication of program messaging and materials through various media, communication, and collaborator channels.
- Provider Education Workgroup will determine and create appropriate provider education addressing gaps in currently available OSA resources and education for health care providers.
- Tool Development and Surveillance Workgroup will assess the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of sleep health data for use in public health.
Volunteers will commit to monthly conference calls for a one year term. If interested, please complete this survey and indicate the workgroup for which you want to volunteer.