The award cycle for the 2017 Outstanding Early Investigator Award is open through March 1, 2018, Midnight, CT.

This award recognizes an outstanding research effort by an early-stage investigator in the field of sleep research. The basis for evaluation of a candidate is a single, peer-reviewed publication reporting original research (not a review), supported by a senior investigator’s letter of recommendation that must address specific elements described below. The candidate must be the first author; and the article must be published or accepted for publication in 2017.

The award consists of a plaque and a travel honorarium to be applied toward travel to SLEEP 2018, the Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. The plaque and honorarium will be presented at a ceremony at SLEEP 2018, during the SRS Club Hypnos Reception, Sunday evening, June 3, 2018 in Baltimore, MD.

Full details are available on the award webpage.