We’re writing to invite you to join our campaign, “NIH Sleep Research Plan” in our “National Center on Sleep Disorders Research” Community at ncsdr.ideascale.com.
We want to hear what our stakeholders think about the proposed research priorities and any recommendations that NCSDR should consider in the finalization of this plan. Click “About” at the top of the Community page to go to the Sleep Research Plan Campaign page, or click on link below to read the full brief and join the campaign!
Submit your own ideas, comment or vote on other ideas, and feel free to share with interested colleagues before the campaign closes on May 31st.
All contributors at IdeaScale communities must be registered. Follow the registration process and verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your inbox. Clicking the link from your email will bring you inside your new IdeaScale account where you will set your password and then complete your community profile. Complete all required fields.
Feel free to contact NCSDR with questions! NCSDR@nih.gov