Please join our webinar: Sleep Research Society focus group entitled, “Non-PAP Treatment alternatives for Obstructive Sleep Apnea”.
The objectives of this focus group are to discuss the role of dental devices and hypoglossal nerve stimulation for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in light of the current scientific evidence. The discussion will focus on various barriers and facilitators for adoption of such non-PAP treatment approaches that include access to care, expertise, multi-disciplinary teams, reimbursement, regulatory aspects, treatment guidelines, health policies and other factors related to delivery of care. We will contextualize these discussions with current events and emerging scientific findings and reports (e.g., AHRQ, SAVE, etc.) with an effort to identify knowledge gaps and new research opportunities.
Date and Time: Thursday, 29 July 2021 – 7:30am-9:30am PST/9:30am-11:30am CT
Supported by: SomnoMed
Chair: Sairam Parthasarathy, MD, FAASM
Panelists: Joseph M Ojile MD, FAASM
Patrick J Strollo Jr, MD, FAASM
John S Viviano DDS, Diplomate, ABDSM
David M Rapoport MD
Najib Ayas MD
Dennis Hwang MD
Clete A Kushida MD, PhD, FAASM
Samuel T. Kuna, MD
Fernanda R Almeida DDS, PhD, Diplomate, ABDSM
Olivier M Vanderveken MD, PhD
Mihaela Teodorescu MD, FAASM
Bharati Prasad MD
Richard K Bogan MD, FAASM, FCCP
Imran Patel, DMD
Jonathan S. Lown, MD