This notice is to inform potential applicants to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) about a special interest in research project applications focusing on the relationship between processes that regulate sleep/circadian rhythm and the risk, trajectory and treatment of substance use disorders.

Selected examples of possible research include:

  • Elucidate neurobiological mechanisms through which sleep deficiency or circadian disruption modifies reward, affect, executive function, pain, and other processes that can contribute to susceptibility to SUD.
  • Identify mechanisms by which sleep deficiency or circadian disruption modifies the trajectory of SUD including initiation, maintenance, withdrawal, abstinence, relapse and the course of recovery.
  • Mechanisms by which of drugs of abuse induce sleep or circadian dysregulation.
  • Behavioral/pharmacological mechanisms to improve sleep dysregulation in SUD
  • Use of sleep architecture as biomarkers of SUD severity and recovery.

Circadian-dependent pharmacological mechanisms contributing to drug tolerance, withdrawal, and MAT response (e.g. do the effects of drugs of abuse vary depending of time of day of administration?).