SRS Stakeholder Support Guidelines
The Sleep Research Society (SRS) understands that some grant applications require stakeholder support prior to the submission of that grant. The SRS will offer requested support to member applicants of grants requiring such support, given they are aligned with the goals of the SRS Strategic Plan. The SRS will review requests for endorsement of initiatives consistent with the SRS Strategic Plan.
Forms of Support
Due to its status as a member organization, the SRS cannot provide letters of support for principal investigators to include in grant applications for the sole purpose of endorsing the scientific value of the project, such as for NIH R01 mechanisms, or any similar mechanism from any other agency. The SRS may issue a letter of support, a memorandum of understanding or other mechanism of non-financial support of activities that are consistent with SRS strategic goals. Examples of initiatives that may be appropriate include Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiatives and Training Grants that clearly require such endorsement and are designed to meet the sleep research aims as indicated in the Strategic Plan. View a sample letter.
How to Request Support
The requester must submit a written request to the SRS Board of Directors that details the initiative for which that endorsement is being requested and the SRS strategic goal that is addressed by the initiative. The request must:
- Describe the governance structure of the organization/group that is requesting the endorsement of the SRS.
- Indicate requirement of endorsement.
- Describe to whom the endorsement will be submitted.
- Clearly state any commitment expected of the SRS due to the endorsement. Note that this cannot include a request for funds for activities associated with the endorsement.
Applications will be reviewed by the SRS Board of Directors or Executive Committee and responses will be given within 60 days.