The goal of the SRS Mentor/Mentee program is to link trainees from institutions with limited sleep/circadian mentoring options in their chosen field of interest to mentors that can provide rich, face-to-face opportunities in state-of-the-art research techniques and methods. The mentor/mentee relationship should also extend beyond the face-to-face portion and, as appropriate, should include career guidance and via ongoing phone or web based meetings.
Scope of Support
The program is intended to grow the field of sleep researchers, awards of <$3,500 will be given to up to eight (8) mentees annually for travel related expenses. More or fewer mentee grants could be awarded depending on available roll-over funds and quality of applications. It is understood that the mentor will participate at no cost to the Sleep Research Society.
Mentor/Mentee pairs from the SRS annual meeting program are encouraged to apply, but guarantee is neither intended nor implied. Trainees in an institution that has current funding for trainees (e.g. sleep T32) are not eligible. However, faculty in these institutions could serve as mentors in the program.